RLT is pleased to announce that Larry Lesnik has joined the firm. Larry is a 1971 graduate of Duke University and a 1974 graduate of Cornell Law School who began his career in the public interest sector as a Legal Service Attorney. He then spent close to a decade in the business world running a manufacturing firm in Newark New Jersey before commencing his career in the insolvency field in 1989. He gained extensive experience in all aspects of bankruptcy law as a partner at both Ravin Greenberg and Norris McLaughlin & Marcus before reuniting with his former partner Jay Lubetkin earlier this year. Larry has devoted extensive time and effort to pro bono activities and has been awarded an Equal Justice Medal by Legal Services of New Jersey and was recently spotlighted by Volunteer Lawyers for Justice in its newsletter for his provision of assistance thereto. He has lectured on behalf of the NJ Institute for Continuing Legal Education and at the annual bankruptcy Bench Bar conference. Although he is affectionately known as Grandpa Larry to 4 youngsters, he stays active year round playing basketball, tennis and softball (except for his frequent stints on the disabled list from sports related injuries….). He is grateful to once again be practicing in Essex County where he has lived his entire life.