Commercial landlords are tired of excessive billings from unknown, big firm associates producing form lease agreements. However, those requiring an experienced, sophisticated, no-nonsense, efficient attorney to help conclude a lease negotiation, have come to RLT to get the job done.

Whether you are a regional, multi-unit retailer looking for a local attorney to review a lease agreement or a first-time commercial tenant who appreciates the benefits of having lease terms reviewed by competent counsel before signing away material commercial rights, RLT can satisfy your goals.

Our real estate professionals have significant experience negotiating and drafting commercial lease agreements for clients ranging from large commercial developers to mid-sized New Jersey-based shopping center owners, to tenants of all types and sizes.

The attorneys of RLT have experience in the representation of landlords and tenants in the process of negotiating, drafting, and consummating commercial lease agreements. They also represent buyers and sellers in numerous commercial real estate transactions, from the outset of letter of intent negotiations to the preparation of sale agreements, through the due diligence process and the preparation of closing documents, and during the closing of the transaction itself. For example, RLT recently represented a seller in its disposition of a high profile single tenant property in a "like-kind" exchange transaction valued at over $16,000,000.

RLT’s real estate attorneys also have substantial landlord-tenant eviction experience and are available to represent the interests of either a commercial landlord or tenant in summary dispossess or monetary collection actions. To the extent appropriate, the litigation attorneys at RLT are also available to represent your interests as either plaintiff or defendant.

Finally, RLT's experienced bankruptcy attorneys are available to service landlords requiring the prosecution of motions to vacate the automatic stay, motions to compel payment of administrative rent, and responses to motions to assume or reject their leases as executory contracts.

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