RLT partners Jay L. Lubetkin and Jeffrey A. Cooper have been selected to speak at the Hon. William H. Ginden 21st Annual Bankruptcy Bench Bar Conference. This year’s Bench Bar is being held at the Borgata Casino Hotel & Spa in Atlantic City on April 4th and 5th.
Jay will be presenting on a panel entitled “Chapter 7, The Trustee’s Perspective.” Jay, along with other New Jersey Chapter 7 Trustees, will be sharing, among other things, war stories about their most “colorful” cases. Over his thirty-year career Jay has administered more than 10,000 cases as a panel Chapter 7 trustee.
Jeff will be presenting on a panel entitled “Receiverships.” Jeff, along with other notable bankruptcy practitioners, will be discussing the finer points of receiverships in New Jersey. Topics will include types of receivers, grounds for an appointment, powers of a receiver, and receivership as an alternative remedy.
Registration information for this year’s bankruptcy bench bar can be found athttps://bit.ly/2MGXMDG
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to Jay L. Lubetkin or Jeffrey A. Cooper at (973) 597-9100.